Jackie 14th June 2019

It’s been a while since I wrote on here just because well I don’t actually know why. I just say the same stuff over and over again. Stuff that you’ll never read stuff that you should already know. You know that I’m still broken you know that I’ll never be me again and you know that I will now live my life permanently sad. The last time I smiled or laughed and meant it was when you were still here. I miss you. I still won’t believe I will never see you again. I’m still your muvver and you will always be my son who I’m so so proud of. I will watch your kids grow I will see them do things that you should be seeing and I will continue to be proud of the fact that they are yours. I love you son so much and I miss you more ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💔